As we await slightly brighter, summer days, bring the outside in by utilising a vase this spring. Muuto’s eclectic array of modern vases is a good place to start, ideal for filling with big blowsy blooms or something a little more restrained and architectural…

Featuring the likes of the Kink Vase by Earnest Studio for Muuto (a distinctly contemporary form) as well as the aesthetically pleasing curves of the Ridge Vase by Studio Kaksikko – which is notably now available in three different sizes – these vases are stand alone pieces by themselves, filled or empty.

“At Muuto, flowers have always taken a strong part in our creative and visual expression, and we like to utilise bloomy arrangements to explore the contrasts and personality in our designs, including our collection of vases.”

So go on, remind yourself that brighter days are to come, and bring the effervescent beauty of nature into the home.
Discover more from Muuto’s carefully curated vase collection.

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