enki Summer Competition

WIN! | An eco holiday in a Koto cabin at The Point at Polzeath in Cornwall, a Marshall speaker, Marshall headphones and an aarke Carbonator 3 with enki

We often feature the latest Koto cabin in enki magazine, so we’re very excited to offer you the chance to win one of the best holiday prizes in the UK. The winner gets to stay in a KOTO cabin at The Point at Polzeath in Cornwall for a week! Conjure the image of a relaxed English summer day at the beach and you might just imagine yourself, surf board in hand, on the glorious beaches of Cornwall. Architecture and design studio KOTO has created a collection of 17 exquisitely crafted holiday homes for The Point just a hop, skip and a jump from one of these iconic beaches. Swaddled in stunning landscape gardens created by renowned designer Darren Hawkes, the blackened larch cabins pierce the skyline and create the ultimate in relaxed living. The winner will stay in a 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom cabin with floor to ceiling sliding doors flooding the open-plan living areas with light, and connecting them to the secluded, decked courtyard. But there’s more, you will also get your hands on a pair of Marshall Major V headphones, a Markshall Emberton II speaker and an aarke Carbonator 3 to entertain you through the summer.


A week in a Koto cabin at The Point in Cornwall. 

You will stay in a 3-bed 2-bathroom Koto at The Point cabin on the beautiful Cornwall coast. Sustainability is woven into the very core of cabin designs, drawing inspiration from Scandinavian style and their ethos of outside living. This new development is focussed on quality of landscape, open space and increasing biodiversity in a way that blends with the broader area. The winner will be able to book a holiday (subject to availability) on their chosen dates. Please note the prize is for accommodation only and the winner will need to arrange their own transport to Cornwall, UK. The prize must be taken within 6 months of the closing date. See full terms and conditions here.

The Marshall Major V Headphones

From the explosive Marshall signature sound to the everlasting design, every detail of these headphones has been painstakingly refined. Featuring 100+ hours of wireless playtime combined with a rugged and foldable design, Major V is best paired with your next great adventure. Head over to marshall.com to find out more about this and other Marshall kit.

Marshall Emberton II

Emberton II produces a sound much larger than its size. Two 2 inch full range drivers and two passive radiators bring you the heavy Marshall sound you know and love. Experience absolute 360° sound with True Stereophonic, a unique form of multi-directional sound from Marshall. Weighing in at only 0.7 kg (1.5 lbs), this speaker is tough and resilient. Head over to marshall.com to find out more about this and other Marshall kit.

aarke Carbonator 3 Matte Black 

The Carbonator 3 is a groundbreaking sparkling water maker with a stainless-steel enclosure, in a modern, rough-textured Matte Black finish. Forget the outdated, plastic soda machines of the past: this one is made from premium materials with top-of-the-line safety. It’s designed to upgrade the look and feel of your kitchen counter for years to come. Log on to uk.aarke.com to find out more about this and other aarke appliances.



For your chance to win simply answer the following question correctly and fill out your details. The competition will run from June 12th, 2024 – until August 22nd 2024, 12 o’clock midnight. Entries after 12 o’clock midnight on August 22nd 2024 will not be accepted.

*UK entries only*

For full terms and conditions please click here

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