Back in Volume 58 of enki, we explored Maison Melba by architecture practice Atelier L’Abri, a renovation of an old barn-like dwelling from the 70s. A house that unravels around the skeleton of its original timber frame. And now, Melba…
A prototype Solar Greenhouse in Barcelona’s Natural Park proposes a space for self-sufficient farming and a blueprint for future zero-emissions cities. Designed by a team of students and researchers at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), the small…
Using sea-friendly architecture and agricultural technology, Japanese startup N-ARK has designed a floating marine farm called Green Ocean to address the global issue of rising sea levels. The salt-resistant architecture system cultivates seawater and uses it as nutrients for agriculture…
Future City Garden, a unique-themed installation by Chetwoods Architects, welcomes delegates at the 15th UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) this October in Kumming, China. Lead architect Laurie Chetwood set out to stimulate and educate with the 3,000 metre-squared art installation which…