Pablo Picasso Ceramics Exhibition | Diary Date

Face (Visage), 1955 by Pablo Picasso

On the 18th March – 16th May 2020, Huxley-Parlour Gallery will open its doors for a new Pablo Picasso exhibition featuring the artist’s ceramics, with pieces ranging from £5,500 to £70,000. Set to be the first time the artist’s ceramics will be exhibited as a solo show in a commercial gallery in London, this a diary date not to be missed. 

Ice Pitcher, (Pichet à Glace), 1952 by Pablo Picasso

The selection to be exhibited at Huxley-Parlour will include creations featuring female muses, faces and curious animals in intriguing shapes. The artist’s ceramic work is predominantly the result of a 25-year collaboration with the Madoura Pottery workshop in Vallauris, where it was he met his muse and second wife, Jacqueline Roque. 

Prow Figure (Figure de Proue), 1952 by Pablo Picasso

The pieces included in the exhibition largely date from the early 1950s. For further information regarding the event, click here

Woman’s Face (Visage de femme), 1953 by Pablo Picasso

For more diary dates on enki, click here

Vase with Two High Handles (Vase deux Anses Hautes), 1952 by Pablo Picasso

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